Apr 18, 2009

First Time Blogging

Hi. I'm new to this kind of thing. Blogging I mean. Yet, I find it quite interesting, seeing everybody seems to have a blog on the internet and they can share their life on it for everybody to read and share the same experience even if it's only by imagining.

So.. here's my life's story. I'm a mom of two beautiful and very active daughters. Besides being a mom, I also work. My passions are cooking, eating, reading, photography and traveling. I don't claim that I'm an expert in cooking or photography, but I certainly enjoy it.

Since, this is my first attempt in the blogging world, I hope anyone who happen to see this entry will not feel disappointed.

I know that I'm already very late compared to other bloggers out there. But here I am, braving myself to dive into this "new world" for me.

Challenged by so many beautiful and creative blogs that I happen to encounter, I experimented with my camera to take better pictures of everything that interests me. Be it animals, food, kids, babies, people, scenery, etc. And, this is my recent experiment in "shooting" food pictures. Please feel free to comment. I'll be very much appreciate it.